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Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities = Ак­ту­аль­ные про­бле­мы совре­мен­ной линг­ви­сти­ки и гу­ма­ни­тар­ных на­ук : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow : РУДН, 2019. – 727 с. – Биб­лиогр. в кон­це ст. – Спи­сок авт.: с. 718–727. – Кн. на англ. яз. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.0я43 + 81.006.2я43

Авторы: Quero-Gervilla, Enrique F. (ed.); Sokolova, Natalya (ed.); Со­ро­ко­вых, Га­ли­на Вик­то­ров­на (авт.)

Другие формы заглавия: Ак­ту­аль­ные про­бле­мы совре­мен­ной линг­ви­сти­ки и гу­ма­ни­тар­ных на­ук

Аналитические заглавия: Ак­ту­аль­ные про­бле­мы совре­мен­ной линг­ви­сти­ки и гу­ма­ни­тар­ных на­ук

Ключевые слова: язы­ко­зна­ние; линг­ви­сти­ка; язык и речь; язык и куль­ту­ра; меж­куль­тур­ная ком­му­ни­ка­ция; кросс-куль­тур­ный под­ход; ино­стран­ные язы­ки; пе­ре­вод; линг­во­ди­дак­ти­ка; обу­че­ние язы­кам; при­клад­ная линг­ви­сти­ка; со­цио­линг­ви­сти­ка; на­уч­ные из­да­ния; сбор­ни­ки ста­тей; кон­фе­рен­ции меж­ду­на­род­ные; кон­фе­рен­ции на­уч­но-ме­то­ди­че­ские; мгпу

Издание выдавалось, раз: 1
СиглаКол-во экз.В наличии экз.

Содержание издания

Библиографическое описание
Афин­ская, З. Н.
Кон­цепт и об­раз как со­став­ля­ю­щие на­уч­ной тек­сту­аль­но­сти / З. Н. Афин­ская // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – C. 11–23. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.471.1-003
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Aleshinskaya, Evgeniya V.
Linguistic diversity as a response to the dominance of Global English / E. V. Aleshinskaya // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 23–32. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.432.1-022 + 81.432.1-006
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Dzyubenko, Anna I.
Modern English female fictonal discource through the prism of time reference / A. I. Dzyubenko, I. A. Zyubina // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 32–41. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.432.1-003
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Emelianova, Olga V.
On the issue of expressing belongingness and exclusion in the English language / O. V. Emelianova // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 42–49. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.432.1-006
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Ха­фян, Уа­нес.
Совре­мен­ные араб­ские линг­ви­сти­че­ские ис­сле­до­ва­ния – меж­куль­тур­ный во­прос / У.  Ха­фян // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 49–61. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.61-03
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Aimoldina, Aliya A.
Examining discurcive strategies in business correspondence of Kazakhstan: Kazakh, Russian and English languages / A. A. Aimoldina // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 62–71. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.055.51
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Aristova, Nataliya S.
Multilingual trends in the linguistic landscape of Kazan, Russia, as a reflection of an emerging global city / N. S. Aristova // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 72–82. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.022
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Barasheva, Daria E.
Conceptual adaptation in the aspect of intercultural scientific communication / D. E. Barasheva // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 82–96. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.003
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Го­ду­но­ва, Ели­за­ве­та  Б.
Линг­во­куль­ту­ро­ло­ги­че­ское со­дер­жа­ние кон­цеп­та "лесть" в ан­глий­ской и рус­ской линг­во­куль­ту­рах / Е. Б. Го­ду­но­ва // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 96–112. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.432.1-003 + 81.411.2-003
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Kartushina, Elena A.
Language planning in the reality of multilingualism (the case of Finland) / E. A. Kartushina // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 113–122. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.022
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Kitaeva, Elena M.
English textbook: a tool for enabling cross-cultural competence / E. M. Kitaeva, O. V. Ozerova // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 122–131. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.432.1-9
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Raevskaya, Marina M.
Intercultural communication and academic discource: search for mutual understanding / M. M. Raevskaya // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 131–139. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.432.1-022
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Zhusupova, Roza F.
Intercultural communicative competence assessment at the multilingual university classrooms / R. F. Zhusupova, G. Z. Beysembaeva // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 140–150. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.19
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Kuznetsova, Vera Y.
Peculiarities of translation of different types of metaphors in publicistic texts / V. Y. Kuznetsova // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – C. 151–160. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.432.1-8
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Selvitella, Antonella.
The best apps for learning and translating foreign languages / A. Selvitella // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 160–168. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.19 + 81.18
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Zakovorotnaya, Jane M.
Translation of the texts using machine translation systems: linguistic analysis of the examples from literary and scientific texts / J. M. Zakovorotnaya // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 169–177. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.184 + 81.432.1-8
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Zhanturina, Bakhyt N.
Poetic inversion under translation / B. N. Zhanturina // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 177–185. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.432.1-8
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Kuznetsova, Vera Y.
Peculiarities of translation of military slang from English to Russian / V. Y. Kuznetsova, A. E. Vorobyev // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 186–193. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.432.1-8
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Guseva, Alla H.
Studying a modular software: from a combinatorial methods to the practice of teaching translation / A. H. Guseva // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 193–205. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.184
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Пи­во­ва­ро­ва, Ека­те­ри­на  В.
Ме­тод кор­пус­но­го ана­ли­за в изу­че­нии фра­зео­ло­гиз­мов – "лож­ных дру­зей" пе­ре­вод­чи­ка / Е. В. Пи­во­ва­ро­ва // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 206–225. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.432.4-8 + 81.432.4-36
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Kosheleva, Ekaterina M.
Didactic game as a method of teaching children in the English language / E. M. Kosheleva // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 226–238. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 74.102.6
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Ис­тра­ко­ва, Ма­рия  А.
Обу­че­ние ис­пан­ско­му язы­ку через му­зы­ку / М. А. Ис­тра­ко­ва, Т. И. Лар­ки­на, Ю. В. Зуб­ко­ва // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 239–255. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.472.1-9
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Novokhatskaya, Olga E.
Distance e-learning courses for use in educational process at universities / O. E. Novokhatskaya // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 256–267. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.19
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Orlova, Elena S.
To the question of modeling a language system for educational purposes in the frame of an invariant approach / E. S. Orlova // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 267–276. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.432.1-9
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Petrova, Galina A.
Case Study method has been so widely used by universities, which tend to combine this method with traditional lecture format / G. A. Petrova // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 277–286. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.432.1-9
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Interactive approach as an effective tool for teaching Spanish in higher education / M. G. Petrova, F. G. Gilaf, H. Sadouri, R. Diouani // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 286–296. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.472.1-9
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Petrova, Galina A.
The features of the creative writing as a method to elaborate students efficient skills / G. A. Petrova, L. G. Medvedeva, E. Y. Nadezhdina // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 296–305. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.432.1-9
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Sergeeva, Marina G.
Formation of the economic competency of the head of an educational institution within advanced training system / M. G. Sergeeva // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 306–316. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 74.479.478
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Sorokovykh, Galina V. (Со­ро­ко­вых, Га­ли­на Вик­то­ров­на).
Model of the process of formation research skills of a future foreign language teacher / G. V. Sorokovykh, O. S. Kutepova // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 317–327. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.19
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Мер­ку­ло­ва, Ин­на  Г.
О пре­по­да­ва­нии се­ми­о­ти­ки в си­сте­ме фило­ло­ги­че­ских на­ук / И. Г. Мер­ку­ло­ва // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 328–346. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81г + 81.002
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Kulchenko, Yulia.
Compositional specificity of artistic texts with sacral components / Y. Kulchenko // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 346–356. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.432.1-51 + 81.411.2-51
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Яко­вле­ва, Еле­на  В.
Ак­ту­аль­ные ин­фор­ма­ци­он­но-ком­му­ни­ка­ци­он­ные тех­но­ло­гии и во­про­сы пре­по­да­ва­ния ино­стран­но­го язы­ка в ву­зе / Е. В. Яко­вле­ва, Р. В. Ага­д­жа­нян // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 357–371. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.19
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Beysembaeva, Gulshat Z.
Variability of technical terminology by the example of metaphor and metonymy / G. Z. Beysembaeva, R. F. Zhusupova // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 372–383. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.053.2
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Molchanova, Maria V.
To flee or to fight: a study into language anxiety, its levels, correlation with achievement and means of redaction / M. V. Molchanova // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 417–426. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.432.1-9
Полное описаниеОтобрать
Sokolovskaya, Victoria V.
Regional variation on the canadian English variant / V. V. Sokolovskaya // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 440–449. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.432.1-025.7
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Zagrebelnaya, Alina S.
The core zone of the concept "romantic" in the Russian and English linguocultures / A. S. Zagrebelnaya // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 449–459. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.411.2-003 + 81.432.1-003
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Zhabo, Natalia I.
Theoretical foundations of studying multidisciplinary terminological systems in modern linguistic tipology / N. I. Zhabo // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 460–470. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.432.1-324 + 81.471.1-324
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Samokhin, Ivan S.
Prospects for improving the scientific style of speech (linguophilosophical analysis) / I. S. Samokhin, L. Z. Karavanova // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 487–498. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.055.51 + 81.003
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Бру­е­ва, Еле­на  Ф.
Ко­гни­тив­но-язы­ко­вые ме­ха­низ­мы ско­ро­чте­ния / Е. Ф. Бру­е­ва // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 498–513. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.003
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Ед­лич­ко, Ан­же­ла  И.
О спе­ци­фи­ке фор­ми­ро­ва­ния меж­на­уч­ных тер­ми­но­си­стем / А. И. Ед­лич­ко // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 514–529. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.40-324
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Lushnikova, Irina I.
English language proficiency - connecting soft and hard skills / I. I. Lushnikova, E. A. Drozdova // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – С. 529–538. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.432.1-9
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Sergeeva, Marina G.
Socialization of personality within the competancy / M. G. Sergeeva; G. V. Zarembo // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – C. 601–611. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.432.1-006
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Slastnikova, Tamara V.
The impact of new technologies in the language of french youth / T. V. Slastnikova; D. V. Gogol // Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and Humanities : Proceedings of the 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 15th, 2019 : сб. ст. / Ed. by En. F. Querro Gervilla, N. Sokolova ; сре­ди авт. : Г. В. Со­ро­ко­вых. – Moscow, 2019. – C. 612–624. – ISBN 978-5-209-09321-3.

ББК 81.471.1-006
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